Get involved?

Portico has a lot of volunteers - at any event in Portico we have our event manager, technicians and then an incredible team of volunteers who make the magic happen!!

What do volunteers at Portico actually do? 

The meeter-greeters at the gates are volunteers, the ticket checkers are too, the ushers are, the raffle sellers, the drinks stockers and pourers, the cleaner-upperers… all volunteers. 

There’s several volunteers you don’t see, too. The garden is cared for by volunteers, our online listings are done by a volunteer, the board is all volunteers. There are a lot of volunteers.

Who are the volunteers at Portico?

They are all sorts - a diverse bunch from all backgrounds, all abilities, all ages and with varying levels of commitment too. Some people volunteer a few hours every week and some just one evening a month. Everyone is unique and we welcome everyone

Why do they do it?

Why do people volunteer? Lots of our volunteers say they do it ‘for the craic’ or to enjoy a good (or free!) social life. Some want to support the arts. Others want to ‘give something back’ in their local community. Many volunteers talk about enjoying meeting people, making new friends, or just having somewhere fun to go.

What sort of events do people volunteer for?

Some volunteers only come for the types of music they like. Others come to the events they really like as attendees and volunteer for those they’re not so fussed about. Either is fine! Often, volunteers tell us that they’ve been introduced to types of music or events that they've never tried before.

Want to know more?

If it sounds like something you might be interested in then get in touch with Verity or Paula and we’ll arrange a coffee and chat and tell you all about it.

Get in contact

Hear from our volunteers

Our volunteers are a diverse bunch from all backgrounds, all abilities, all ages and with varying levels of commitment too. Some volunteer a few hours every week and some just one evening a month. All are appreciated!

Why do they volunteer though? Most say they do it ‘for the craic’ or to enjoy a social life. They want to meet people, make new friends, have somewhere fun to go to. Some like certain types of music or events and volunteer for those. Others come to the events they really like and volunteer for those they’re not so fussed about. Volunteers often tell us they’ve been introduced to things they've  never tried before. 


I’ve been volunteering at Portico for several years doing all kinds of things.

During the Covid restrictions, when Portico was closed to audiences for 18 months, I got involved in the live streaming and learned how to use technical equipment I’d never even seen before!

Why do people volunteer at Portico?

Connor Smyth tells us why he volunteers at Portico