Could you help steer Portico?

In this guest blog piece from our outgoing board member Howard Hastings he describes his experience of being a board member with us.

Might you be able to help steer Portico? 


Howard Hastings

I have been a Board Member at Portico of Ards for around 4 years. I have watched the restoration of this magnificent heritage building, and have attended Christmas Carol services, Easter Tenebrae services, two weddings and a humanist funeral over the years and was keen to play a part in the building’s ongoing story.

Being a Board member is amazingly interesting, because of the sheer variety of things we get to discuss. The membership of the board has been refreshed during my time, and throughout have been a collegiate gathering of individuals with very different skills, which they bring to bear on discussions.

Howard Hastings

The maintenance and upkeep of the heritage building is essential. So recently restored, it is in great nick, but there is always more to be done to make it as accessible as possible, to enhance the comforts of the audience, and to facilitate the wide variety of events it now hosts. So we discuss this, and the programming, to ensure we are relevant to the local community, as well as being a beacon for cultural entertainment and classical music, drawing audiences to Portaferry.

We have just completed our Governance review, in line with the Charity Commission best practice template, and updated our accounting systems to reflect latest trends in this area, so our meetings are not overburdened with these matters.

Would you be interested in joining our Board? As I prepare to stand down, if you like what I have described, please contact our ever energetic Chair Neil McClure and he will happily discuss the role with you.

Could YOU help steer Portico?

We are an equal opportunities organisation. We welcome applications to join the Board from all interested persons. However, as women, Roman Catholics and people under 50 are currently under-represented on our Board, we particularly welcome applications from these groups.

Please get in touch with the Chair of the Board Neil McClure to find out more: [email protected]