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Tenebrae with Maggie Hayes and Matthew Colridge's Requiem

 Each year we mark Good Friday in our Tenebrae Service, with our friends from Portaferry Presbyterian Church. 

Join us on Friday 18th April, when the renowned Irish actor, Maggie Hayes, will narrate the Gospel of St Matthew from Christ’s arrest at the Garden of Gethsemane to his death on Golgotha. The music, sung by the New Quay Singers with the Portico Orchestra and Richard Campbell on organ, will be Matthew Coleridge’s achingly beautiful Requiem and we are very honoured that Matthew will be joining us for the Irish premiere of this piece. Rebecca Murphy (soprano) and Jonathan Reynolds (baritone) will take the solo parts with Cecily Smith Nesbitt on cello. 

In the dramatic service of Tenebrae – with its origins in the 4thC, after each reading (or “Shadow”), a candle is extinguished and the lights dimmed a little, until, for the last reading, the building is in total darkness and the Strepitus – the “great noise”, is sounded. 

The Rev Brian Gibson will preside for the service. 

Everyone, whether they have a religious faith or not, is welcome to join us for this poignant and moving event. 

Admission is free of charge but there will be a retiring collection.

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