Nellie The Elephant!
Did you know that the optimum speed for CPR is the rhythm of 'Nellie The Elephant'? You do now!
And if you don't know what Nellie The Elephant is then you may have veered away from TikTok by mistake ; )
On Saturday, First Aid trainer Diane Hollinger came to refresh our First Aid skills...
Thank you everyone!
We had a gorgeous sunny day for our First Aid training on Saturday. Eight of our Lovely Volunteers kindly gave up their Saturday to come and refresh their First Aid skills with managers Verity and Paula.
Diane Hollinger from 2 Save A Life trained us all in the latest guidance on dealing with all kinds of emergency situations from falls to choking as well as how to use the defibrillation machine and administer CPR.
Of course we hope we never have to use these skills but it's good to know we have them ready!